And so we bid goodbye to both Bjorn and Aurelius – at least for a while. Bjorn’s parting words may just well prove prophetic… Brandon Peat Letterer
And so we bid goodbye to both Bjorn and Aurelius – at least for a while. Bjorn’s parting words may just well prove prophetic… Brandon Peat Letterer
As frightening as it is to observe Bjorn with his mask on, his unmasked mug might be more disturbing – especially the way he looks at young Aliyana in panel four! Aaron Minier Artist
The letter Arion has just received doubles as a subtle indication of the limits of Athelica’s technology – he receives the message as a handwritten note, not from a typewriter or telegram, showing that Athelica hasn’t progressed quite that far[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…