Another throwback to the aforementioned high school sci-fi story: a cantankerous and well-armed butler character. (Although that other butler happened to be a robotic dragon armed with lasers.) Brandon Peat Letterer
Another throwback to the aforementioned high school sci-fi story: a cantankerous and well-armed butler character. (Although that other butler happened to be a robotic dragon armed with lasers.) Brandon Peat Letterer
This is one of several pages we added when we collected the first six issues into trade form. The scene worked fine without it, but I love the sense of scale and atmosphere a splash page like this evokes. Brandon[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The establishment shown in panel 4, the “Slick Cat,” is an inside joke between me and Brandon – a reference to a sci-fi story we wrote our sophomore year of high school. Chris Arndt Writer