Fights are not a slick exchange of choreographed blows. They are quick, vicious affairs. Arion is not a superhero – by necessity, he’s a trained savage, who will take you down however he can. Chris Arndt Writer
Fights are not a slick exchange of choreographed blows. They are quick, vicious affairs. Arion is not a superhero – by necessity, he’s a trained savage, who will take you down however he can. Chris Arndt Writer
This fight has some of my favorite Black Rose pages to date. I love the steely pirate expressions contrasted with Trellis’ sad look, the alternating between silence and screams — and above all, the rain. Brandon Peat Letterer
Considering that Arion fought off a more formidable threat involving multiple guardsmen back in issue 4, it’s a bit unsettling to see the lone Chimoku counter his attacks with ease. Aaron Minier Artist